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Planning Board Minutes 11/16/06

Minutes of the November 16, 2006 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:

Mary Allen
Bob Edwards
Mike Genest
Bradley Houseworth
Renee Rabideau
Andrew Robblee
Ed Rowehl
Brian Sawich
Alex Snow
Paul Vasques
Kathi Wasserloos
Members and Staff Absent:

Fred Anderson
Scott Burnside
Public Attendees:

Leslie Belliveau
Amy Dillon (SWRPC)
Greg Halverson
Casey Hayes
Joe Koziell     
Matt Monahan (SWRPC)
Kristin Potito
Michael Potito
Ken Wright

The members convened at 6:45 PM and reviewed the documentation on the agenda prior to the start of the meeting.  Chairman Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM, asked all public attendees to sign in, and appointed Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Anderson and Ms. Wasserloos to sit for Mr. Burnside.  He asked the Board to introduce themselves and explained the procedure of the public meetings.

Murdough, Estate of Darrell S. File # 2006-19PB:  Ms. Rabideau recused herself.  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting on the request of the Estate of Darrell S. Murdough for a Minor Subdivision. The applicants propose to subdivide property on 22 Old Turnpike Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7, Lot 44 in the Highway Business and Rural Districts into two (2) lots.  Chairman Edwards stated that this application was granted conditional approval and the public meeting was continued in order to review test pit data that was to be submitted by the applicant in order to determine if the newly created lot, Lot 44-1, is a buildable lot.  Ms. Rabideau provided the Board with a copy of the test pit log and data, dated November 13, 2006, and briefly explained the log, stating that the seasonal high water table was at a depth of thirty four (34) inches and no water was observed at sixty three (63) inches deep.  Chairman Edwards asked Ms. Rabideau if this analysis confirms that Lot 44-1 is a buildable lot, she replied yes.  Ms. Allen asked Ms. Rabideau where on the lot the test pit was dug, she answered on a hill near the existing house lot.  Ms. Rabideau presented a plan showing the location of the test pit on the lot.  

Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques if there were any other conditions of approval besides approval of the test pit data confirming that Lot 44-1 will support a septic system and is therefore a buildable lot.  Mr. Vasques replied that there was one other condition of approval stating that the, “Property Lines showing delineation of abutters between lots 70 & 71 and 68 & 80 shall be added to the final drawings.”  He stated that he will review the final plans tonight, before signing the final mylars, to insure that all of the conditions of approval have been met.  Chairman Edwards asked the Board members if there were any other questions about the site walk or the test pit data; there were none.  Ms. Allen moved to accept the test pit data, which was seconded by Mr. Sawich and unanimously passed.

Koziell, Joseph & Katherine - File # 2006-20PB:  Ms. Rabideau and Mr. Robblee recused themselves.  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting on the request of Joseph & Katherine Koziell for a Major Site Plan Review for property at 4 Contoocook Valley Ave., Antrim, NH, (Map 1C, Lot 190) in the Village Business District.  The applicant proposes to construct three apartments and an office within the existing structure.  Chairman Edwards asked the Board if anyone had any questions or comments from the site walk, Ms. Wasserloos replied that she had nothing to add besides what was addressed by the minutes.  Chairman Edwards explained that the reason for the site walk was for the Board to make a visual observation on what was represented on numerous issues including: parking lot size and location, the location of the waste receptacle/ dumpster, the ingress and egress onto the lot, and the location and setback of the existing septic system.  He stated that he had no additional questions or concerns and was satisfied with the site walk.

Ms. Wasserloos made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2006 site walk meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Robblee and unanimously passed.  Ms. Allen abstained from voting on the approval of the site walk minutes.

Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques to review the file and read aloud the reports from the various Town Departments regarding concerns about this application.  Mr. Vasques reviewed the Fire Chief’s report with the Board, which stated that there is a hydrant approximately three (300) feet from the building and another hydrant nearby on Rt. 202.  Chairman Edwards stated that he interpreted the report from the Fire Chief as confirming that there is a suitable source of water.  Mr. Vasques reviewed the checklist with the Board, addressing those items on the checklist that were deemed by the planning staff to be incomplete or not satisfied.  The Board reviewed the open items on the checklist and deemed them all satisfied.

Mr. Genest made a motion to conditionally approve the application of Joseph & Katherine Koziell, File # 2006-20PB for a major site plan review for property located at 4 Contoocook Valley Ave., Antrim, NH, (Tax Map 1C, Lot 190) located in the Village Business District.  The applicant proposes to remodel an existing building to house three apartments and one office.  The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated October 5, 2006 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
A new septic system based on the approved design NHDES Approval #CA2004068344 is to be installed upon failure of the existing system or by December 6, 2009, whichever occurs first.

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Ms. Allen - aye, and Ms. Wasserloos – aye.  The application has been approved.  Mr. Vasques advised Mr. Koziell that he will receive a notice of decision via mail.

Potito, Kristin and Michael - File # 2006-25PB:  Ms. Rabideau and Mr. Robblee returned to the Board.  Chairman Edwards opened the public meeting on a request by Kristin A. and Michael S. Potito for a change of use and minor site plan review of property located at 42 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 1A, Lot 170-1) in the Village Business District. The applicant proposes to establish a holistic health store.  Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques to read the public notice to the Board.  Mr. Vasques did so and stated that the notice was advertised in the ‘NH Contender.’  He explained that all abutters were notified and all receipts were returned except for the Daughters of the American Revolution.  Chairman Edwards explained the procedure for the public meeting and hearing and asked the applicants to present their proposal to the Board.

Ms. Potito started by explaining that she thinks Antrim needs more business and provided the Board with numerous candles, lotions, and soaps that she proposes to sell in her holistic health store.  She explained that all of her retail items will be organic and are unique gifts for the mind, body, and spirit.  She provided a business plan to the Board and mentioned that items will also be available for the Holidays including ornaments and gift baskets.  She explained that she wants to bring a little bit of Peterborough to Antrim because she loves the shops in Peterborough and believes that the Town could use this type of business.

Chairman Edwards asked the Board members if, after reviewing the business plan and the mission, there are any questions for the applicant.  Mr. Sawich asked Ms. Potito if this retail space will be her primary business space, she replied yes and explained that this will be her only store.  She stated that she will have a website, will be utilizing Fed-Ex for shipping, and will work with Peterborough Baskets to make gift baskets for customers.  Chairman Edwards asked Ms. Potito what her business hours will be, she replied 10 AM – 6 PM Tuesday through Sunday; closed on Mondays so that she can continue to be a substitute teacher.  Ms. Wasserloos asked Ms. Potito about signage and what she plans to do for a business sign.  Ms. Belliveau, the owner of the Antrim Mill building, stated that they plan on putting up two new signs, one for her office and one for Ms. Potito, that will most likely go on the face of the building.  She stated that they will be small and they will try to match the style of their signs to those that already exist on Main Street.  Mr. Vasques advised Ms. Potito that she will need to apply for a sign permit.  Ms. Allen asked Ms. Belliveau if there will be a directory sign, a single sign that includes all tenants and businesses on site; she replied yes - a single sign that can be added to over time.

Chairman Edwards asked Ms. Potito to explain to the Board where the customers will be parking and what the traffic pattern will be like.  Ms. Potito stated that there will be parking available on the side of the building in front of her store, along Main Street, and across Main Street in a parking lot, which is owned by the Antrim Mill Corporation and is accessed via a crosswalk.  Ms. Rabideau asked Ms. Potito if there will be any additional exterior lighting, she replied no.  Mr. Sawich asked Ms. Potito about inventory storage and whether large trucks will be delivering a number of items.  She explained that she doesn’t plan on having a lot of stock because she can order everything very quickly and estimates that all deliveries will be relatively small.  Chairman Edwards asked the Board if there are any other questions for the applicants; there were none.

Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques if in his opinion sufficient information has been submitted in order to accept the application, he replied yes.  Mr. Vasques reviewed the file and the reports from the Town Departments regarding concerns about this application.  He explained that Ms. Belliveau, the owner of the building, had submitted a letter stating that she is in favor of the proposal.  He also explained that the planning staff received reports from the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector, and the Conservation Commission while no reports were received from the Police Chief, Road Agent, and Water and Sewer Department.

Mr. Rowehl made a motion to accept the application of Kristin A. and Michael S. Potito, File # 2006-25PB, for a minor site plan review of property located at 42 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 1A, Lot 170-1) in the Village Business District. The applicant proposes to establish a holistic health store.  Ms. Allen seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Ms. Allen - aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, and Mr. Robblee - aye.  The application was accepted and Chairman Edwards closed the public meeting and opened the public hearing.  He asked if there were any abutters present that would like to speak in favor of or against the application; there were none.  Chairman Edwards closed the public hearing and reopened the public meeting.

Mr. Vasques reviewed the checklist, addressing the items on the checklist that were deemed by the planning staff to be incomplete or not satisfied.  In regards to item # 1 on the checklist, Mr. Vasques advised the Board that all commercial activities with more than six hundred (600) square feet of interior space require a major site plan review.  Mr. Vasques stated that based on a rough calculation of the floor plan submitted it appears that the office space that Ms. Potito is proposing to use is approximately six hundred and twenty one (621) square feet.  Mr. Vasques suggested that the Board waive the requirement for a major site plan review, allowing a minor site plan review to be used for this particular situation.  Chairman Edwards supported a waiver because the Board is restricted to the dimensions of the existing building.

Mr. Rowehl moved to waive the requirement of item # 1 on the checklist (B) for a major site plan review.  Mr. Sawich seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.  The Board reviewed the rest of the open items on the checklist and deemed them all satisfied.  Ms. Allen made a motion to conditionally approve the application of Kristin A. and Michael S. Potito, File # 2006-25PB, for a minor site plan review of property located at 42 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 1A, Lot 170-1) in the Village Business District.  The applicant proposes to establish a holistic health store.  The following conditions apply to this approval:

1.      Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated November 16, 2006 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
2.      The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Mr. Genest seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Ms. Allen - aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, and Mr. Robblee - aye.  The application has been approved by the Board.  Mr. Vasques advised Ms. Potito that she will receive a notice of decision in the mail and thanked her for coming.

Steele Pond Development, LLC – File # 2006-22PB:  Chairman Edwards continued the public meeting on the request of Steele Pond Development, LLC for a minor subdivision of property at 11 Old North Branch Road, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 8A, Lot 8) in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts.  The applicant proposes to divide the property into two lots.  Chairman Edwards stated that the public hearing has been closed and asked the Board members to address any concerns or issues that were raised during the recent site walk.  Ms. Allen, acting as chair pro-tem for the site walk, explained that the site walk was very helpful for the Board to become familiar with the property, see the existing excavation pit, and the proximity to Steele Pond.  Ms. Allen moved to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2006 site walk meeting as presented, which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and passed.

Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques to review the checklist with the Board as there were substantial items that were missing at the last meeting.  Mr. Vasques explained that there are still some open items on the checklist but a number of them can be answered tonight or made conditions of the approval.  He stated that he feels enough information has been submitted to accept the application and passed out the updated plans to the Board.  He stated that there was no written report from the Road Agent regarding this application but he was on the site walk and provided a verbal approval of the proposal.  Ms. Allen explained that the Road Agent made many comments during the site walk including using the existing driveway to access the newly created lot and straightening out the road/ driveway on the site to keep it away from the lot line of the existing house lot.  Ms. Wasserloos explained that he wants to help facilitate egress and ingress onto the lot for the purposes of extracting sand from the existing excavation pit.  Mr. Vasques explained that the planning staff also didn’t receive a written report from the Conservation Commission, but he believes that Mr. Beblowski has spoken with the Town Administrator about the proposal and is in favor of the project.  

Ms. Allen made a motion to accept the application of Steele Pond Development, LLC, File # 2006-22PB, for a minor subdivision of property located off Old North Branch Road, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 8A, Lot 8) in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into two parcels.  Mr. Robblee seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Ms. Allen - aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, and Mr. Robblee - aye.  The application was accepted and Chairman Edwards closed the public meeting and opened the public hearing.  Chairman Edwards asked if there were any abutters present that would like to speak in favor of or against the application; there were none.  Chairman Edwards closed the public hearing and reopened the public meeting for the Board to go into deliberation.

Mr. Vasques reviewed the checklist with the Board, addressing the items on the checklist that were deemed by the planning staff to be incomplete or not satisfied.  The Board reviewed the open items and deemed them all satisfied, not applicable, or made them conditions of the approval.  After reviewing the checklist, Mr. Robblee moved to conditionally approve the application of Steele Pond Development, LLC, File # 2006-22PB, for a minor subdivision of property located off Old North Branch Road, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax Map 8A, Lot 8) in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into two parcels.  The following conditions apply to this approval:

1.      Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated November 2, 2006 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
2.      The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
3.      Subject to completion of items # 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30, 32 on the checklist dated 11/16/06.
4.      Subject to all State or Federal permits which may be required: (Items # 40 and 42)

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Genest - aye, Ms. Allen - aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, and Mr. Robblee - aye.  The application has been approved by the Board.  Mr. Vasques advised the applicants that they will receive a notice of decision in the mail and thanked them for coming.

Torino Development Company – File # 2006-23PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that the applicants have asked that their public meeting be continued to December 7, 2006 at 7:30 PM in the Antrim Town Hall to allow them time to prepare the lot yield calculation for a conventional subdivision, taking into account the overlay districts.  Mr. Vasques also provided the Board with a letter from Bart Mayer, Town Counsel, dated November 9, 2006, stating that the Wetlands and Steep Slope Overlay Districts’ regulations control the uses permitted and prevail over underlain Zoning Districts’ regulations, regardless of whether or not the proposed subdivision is a conventional or a cluster housing design.  Mr. Mayer pointed out that the wetlands ordinance minimum lot size serve the public health and safety and should not be so readily waived simply because the development is a cluster.  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that the applicants will bring lot yield calculations for a conventional subdivision on Dec. 7, 2006 and a cluster housing design for the proposed subdivision to the planning staff by November 30, 2006.

Business – New Alternate Planning Board Member:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Joe Koziell has expressed interest in becoming an alternate member of the Planning Board.  Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Koziell to explain to the Board why he desires to join.  Mr. Koziell explained that he has some interest in joining as an alternate member and knows that there will be some open spots on the Board by March 2007.  He explained that prior to that date, he would like to participate on the Board as an alternate member so that he can get his feet wet and get a feel for what the Board truly does.  He stated that he travels extensively with his job and wants to make sure that his work schedule can accommodate the Board’s schedule.  He stated that he wants to make sure he can commit to being present at least 70 -80% of the time.  Mr. Vasques advised Mr. Koziell that the deadline to file for office and run in March 2007 is February 2, 2007, which will only give you three or four meetings as an alternate member to get a feel for what the Board does.  After a short discussion, Mr. Rowehl made a motion to appoint Joe Koziell to the Planning Board as an alternate member, which was seconded by Mr. Genest and unanimously passed.  Mr. Rowehl advised Mr. Koziell to meet with the Antrim Town Clerk and sign an oath of office.

Administrative/Approve Planning Board Minutes:  1) Mr. Sawich made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and unanimously passed.  2) Mr. Sawich made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and unanimously passed.

Cody, Norman E. and Joyce G. – NH DOT Driveway Permit, File # 2006-18PB:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a copy of the NH DOT Driveway Permit Renewal, dated November 6, 2006, for Cody’s driveway on Rt. 31 for the newly created lot.  He stated that he will provide a copy of the NH DOT Driveway Permit Renewal to the Building Inspector and to the Road Agent so they are aware of the state driveway permit.

Business – Suggested Memo regarding requests for inputs from Dept. Heads:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a suggested memo addressing the lack of information being provided and the timely submittal of the requests for review by all Town department heads for inputs on applications to the Planning Board.  Mr. Vasques stated that the memo essentially requests that all department heads return their reviews to the planning staff in a timely manner with the necessary information so that the Board can make informed decisions based on specific advice from the various departments.  Mr. Genest suggested that the Chairman of the Board write a similar letter to the Selectmen notifying them of the lack of input provided from the various departments so that this information can be considered during the Department Heads’ annual reviews.  Chairman Edwards stated that he would work on drafting a letter that states the Boards’ concerns regarding the requests for reviews from the department heads addressing the timely submittal and the lack of content.   

Tyler Dredge and Fill State Application– Response to NH DES, File # 2006-16PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a letter that was drafted by Mr. Houseworth and edited by Chairman Edwards and is intended to be sent to NH DES to provide them with information regarding the application including the need to have the two lots merged together and the proposed road overlaying the recently approved 50’ x 50’ parking area for rental trailers.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board supported the sending of the letter to NH DES as it was presented.  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of the request to have the new deed prepared and a copy sent to the planning staff by Wednesday, November 15, 2006 because the Board wanted to make a decision at the next meeting on whether to issue a cease and desist order for his renting of trucks and trailers.  After a short discussion, the Board decided to give Mr. Tyler and the lawyer additional time to complete the deed.  Mr. Rowehl made a motion to postpone making a decision on the cease and desist order to the next meeting on December 7, 2006.  Mr. Sawich seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.  Chairman Edwards suggested letting Mr. Tyler know what the Board’s decision is regarding this matter.  
Kateco Developing – Funds to continue road construction monitoring, File #2006-21PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of the fact that in addition to the $9,900 that Underwood Engineering originally requested in order to supervise the road construction, Mr. Peter Pitsas has requested, in a letter dated October 25, 2006 from Underwood Engineering to Kateco Developing, another $9,000 in order to, ‘complete the inspection oversight of the road construction at the Homes at High Hills Subdivision.’  Mr. Vasques explained that Mr. Cook of Kateco Developing is requesting that a breakdown of the estimate be provided to them prior to providing the funds to the Town Engineer.  He advised the Board that Mr. Pitsas agreed to provide such a breakdown.  Mr. Vasques stated that he and Mr. Cook came to an agreement that this matter needs to be resolved by December 1, 2006.  Chairman Edwards asked Mr. Vasques to pass their concerns along to Mr. Pitsas regarding the issue of storm water running off of Ashley Road and onto Elm Avenue.
Business – 2007 Budget Review (Current Status):  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of three changes: 1) Mr. Vasques cut his hours from 40 hours to 35 hours per week, and 2) an addition of $5,000 dollars for consultants to provide assistance for rewriting ordinances and regulations, and 3) the deletion of the 100% reimbursable items ($44,000) from the budget, which drops the budget down substantially.  He stated that the net increase from last year’s budget to this year’s budget is approximately $9,300.  

Business –Need for another Work Session?  Second Board meeting in December?:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that a suggestion was made that another ‘work session’ public meeting be scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2006.  Mr. Houseworth suggested that before the Board makes its decision on whether to have another work session, the members should be aware of the critical dates leading up to the 2007 Town Meeting. The Board agreed to have a work session on Thursday, November 30, 2006 from 7 – 9 PM.  The Board also agreed to cancel the Board meeting tentatively scheduled for Thursday, December 21, 2006.

Business – Which Zoning Maps should be sent to Cartographics?:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of some discrepancies regarding the delineation of the zoning districts in the Antrim Zoning Ordinance Manual and the delineation described on the official zoning map of Antrim titled, “Zoning Map,” and adopted March 14, 1990.  Mr. Vasques stated that he would put some time into researching the correct delineation of theses zoning districts but if no other information is obtained, the ‘Zoning Map’ will be sent to them as the official description of the delineation of the Antrim Zoning Districts.

Harris Center – NH Fish and Game Presentation of the NH Wildlife Action Plan:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a NH Fish and Game presentation regarding the NH Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) and how it can be utilized as a tool at the local/ municipal level.  He explained that the presentation will be hosted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 at the Harris Center in Hancock, NH and will begin at 9:30 am.  He stated that many maps and a CD with pertinent information about wildlife habitats in the region will be provided to the attendees.

Skrable – Code Enforcement:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a letter from Jeff Parsons, Code Enforcement, to Mr. Kenneth Skrable (dated November 7, 2006) listing a number of violations of the Town of Antrim’s zoning ordinances that Mr. Parsons observed during a recent inspection of his property at 6 Reed Carr Road on November 2, 2006.

Dublin – Notification of a cell tower application:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a notice of public meeting from the Town of Dublin Planning Board regarding a proposal by National Grid Communications (Gridcom) and Nextel Communication of the Mid Atlantic to build a telecommunication tower on property located at 47 Valley Road (Map 4, Lot 57) in Dublin, NH.  The meeting will begin at 8:15 PM on November 16, 2006 at Dublin Town Hall

Public Notice – Public review of the new tax maps:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of an informal public session to review the Town’s new tax maps that will be held at the Antrim Town Hall on Friday, December 1, 2006 from 9 AM to 8 PM and on Saturday, December 2, 2006 from 8 AM to 1 PM.  He stated that representatives from Cartographic Associates, Inc. will be available at these sessions to answer questions, review data, and make corrections.  

Cell Tower Regulation – SWRPC Conference on December 5, 2006:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a live teleconference on current practices in cell tower regulation that will be hosted by the Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) and the City of Keene at the Keene Public Library on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 from 12:45 – 2:45 PM.

Excavation Sites:  Mr. Vasques stated that Mr. Spencer Garrett has agreed to conduct an inspection of all of the Town’s excavation sites by the end of the year.  He stated that Mr. Garrett will make a report on each site to the Board: operational & reclamation standards.

Driveway Permit – Approve Final Revisions:  Mr. Vasques asked the Board to review and approve the final revisions of the driveway permit form in order for the planning staff to take it to the Building Inspector and Road Agent to see if they will be willing to accept and use it.

Mr. Rowehl moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which unanimously passed.  Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth,
Planning Technician
Antrim Planning Board